Community festivals in Vijayanagara ecovillage
Festivals in India represent our culture & tradition, which have been carried by us, for centuries.Even though we live in an era of globalization and rapid development, we still hold on to the aura of rich culture and its rituals. India
Garden Hub for Food-related activities
Garden Hub for activities related to food classes/ collection/ distribution. A community to connect with people around you.Every little thing surrounding you has a meaning. Majorly the people around, make a-lot-of difference to your life, building a healthy relationship with each
the importance of EAting right
Eating good food that is pesticide free and grown organically has assumed much importance in the post COVID-19 world. A report by the World Health Organization says, “it is imperative for the food industry to reinforce personal hygiene measures and provide
Sorting the kitchen puzzle
Starting cleaning for the festival season already? Your kitchen is one such room in the house that is the busiest place from morning till evening. From breakfast till dinner, from cleaning till arranging, from finding till getting, there is no bit
10 plants you must have in your kitchen garden
“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” is a quote accredited to Hippocrates, the father of medicine. When you eat right, you avoid some of the toughest health complications. And with the rise of healthier eating
Why should we care about food?
There is a popular saying that if you don’t pay the farmer you end up paying the doctor. Eating healthy food on a regular basis determines how healthy you are as well as how active you would be. Though most
Do you know what kinds of pesticides are used in the food you buy?
A pesticide is any substance or mixture of substances natural, organic or man-made, used to prevent, destroy or manage pests. Not all pesticides are the same. Different types of pesticides target different types of pests. For example, insecticides target insects,
How much do you care about fresh food?
Eating foods that are good for you and staying physically active may help you reach and maintain a healthy weight and improve how you feel. You also may find that moving more and eating better could help you keep up