Impact of Urban Greening on City Dwellers
At the beginning of 2015, around 63 per cent of people in the USA were living in cities and it has grown to 80% in 2020. In India too, the numbers are steadily climbing to 40%. After several decades went by experiencing a deforestation spree, we have finally started realizing the importance of greenery. Thanks to the joint effort by people and the governments all over the globe, most cities today look greener than they were a few years ago. But why the emphasis on greenery? Let us find out.
Green brings happiness along
A study from the University of Wisconsin states that people who live around more green space are happier than their counterparts. It also reported that people with 10 percent lower greenery than the average are more likely to feel stressed and depressed. The experiment was carried across 229 cities and towns and involved over 2,500 residents. Many other studies conclude that greenery is positively related to health, well-being, and happiness.
Citizens are the biggest beneficiaries of greenification of cities
Most governments are actively trying to improve the ratio of greenery in their cities and towns. There is no denying that towns with a lot of trees and vegetation are far more beautiful, but they are primarily doing it for their people. Even though there should be ample examples around you, Mexico City is looking to revive Chapultepec Park and open it for public usage. A few months back, we saw the unveiling of Parque Madureira, the largest park in Rio de Janeiro.
Parks can increase the lifespan
It may come as a surprise to one and all. Dr Mark Nieuwenhuijsen, director at ISGlobal and his team, reviewed over 8 million people across the US, Australia, Spain, Switzerland, Italy, and Canada and had stunning results to show. As per their study, for every 0.1 increment in vegetative score within 500m of a person’s home, the premature mortality rate fell by a massive 4 per cent. The numbers reported are staggering, considering the scope of the study.
Does your community believe in having greenery around your homes? You make a change in your family’s lives by adding more trees, gardens and plants around. To know more how we at Estate.One are redefining the way we live in our communities, mail us at