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Here is how you can Reduce Water Consumption at Home!

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Reducing water consumption in the home is a simple and easy way to decrease water and energy bills and lessen your household’s impact on the environment.
You might not give much thought to the water that trickles down the drain each time you shower, brush your teeth, flush the toilet, wash the dishes, or run a load of laundry through the washing machine. But your daily routine uses a lot of water.

  1. Turn off the tap: You don’t need to run the water while shaving or brushing your teeth. Some older faucets use as much as 10 gallons of water per minute! Instead of running the water, keep the faucet turned off until you’re ready to rinse.
  2. Think twice before flushing: Even low-flow toilets use 1.28 gallons of water per flush. It might not seem like much but it adds up. Flush all solid waste but consider flushing liquid waste only a few times per day.
  3. Skip the rinse: Rather than rinsing dirty dishes before loading them in the dishwasher, simply scrape any remaining food into the trash. You’ll save up to 20 gallons of water and your dishes will still be spick and span.
  4. Choose the right setting: If washing just a few items is a must, adjust the “size cycle” to reflect the size of the load, so the machine can adjust the amount of water it uses.

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