“0” hidden charges
Arvind finalised a property last week after analysing his financial situation and how buying a house would impact the situation. He is ready to compromise on few things to buy that house. He spoke to an agent for his home loan and the agent said, Arvind needs to pay 10K – 15K for processing fee and other expenses. 10 – 15K is not a small amount, but what can he do? Arvind started gathering necessary documents to apply for home loan and one day he came across an interesting post on social media, posted by Estate.One about “0” hidden charges for home loans. He immediately contacted Estate.One to know more about it.
Arvind was happy to hear that Estate.One does not charge any processing fee for a home loan and he submitted the documents for his home loan. He already received multiple banks offers just in 2 days’ time. Arvind is deciding on the best offer amongst all the bank offers.
Would you like to get a home loan without any hidden costs just like Arvind did? Switch to smart home loans from Estate.one. Stop paying processing fees and other charges for your home loan. We at Estate.One does not charge you any money for processing your home loan.